Wednesday, August 31, 2011

You know you are a mum, when...

you catch yourself singing childrens songs when your kid is nowhere around...

This is how we like to spent Sunday afternoon... well maybe tomorrow afternoon:)

Last night I stopped myself halfway through one of the songs we sing for Jonas only to brush my teeth (Jonas had been asleep for a few hours...) honestly I should start listening more to the radio than then few childrens CDs we have. I doubt Jonas really cares what we are singing, as long as we are singing to him!


  1. I love this picture! You should do a series of "You know you are a mum when..."

    Connie I've nominated you for the Liebster Award (Blog Award)! You can pick it up and view the details here:

  2. So true! When my niece was little the only thing I could sing to her to get her to stop crying were Christmas carols - so I distinctly recall singing Jingle Bells with her in the middle of the summer while we were shopping once. People definitely stared!!

  3. Haha. I totally hear ya. My sister and I (she has a 1 year old) listen to kids music in the car even when the baby isn't there. It's so relaxing! Congrats on your award by the way! :)

  4. haha, that's so funny! and true. do you ever listen to wonderground radio? they have an online station. it's for kids and their grown-ups, which means they play both kids music and fun rock songs, oldies, etc.

    you can find it here:

  5. This is such a sweet picture! I love Jonas pics and updates!

  6. Aw, that's such a sweet photo.


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